How Much Is It To Bail Someone Out Of Jail In California?

April 26, 2024

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Like many other states, California determines the bail amount by severity of crime and jurisdiction. Each county in California has its own established list of crimes and their respective bail amounts. The more serious the crime, the higher the bail. 

In rare cases, bail amounts can exceed one million dollars, but more typically, they range around $20,000 to $50,000

If the bail happens to be unaffordable, or the defendant believes his or her bailrate is unfair, they have the right to a criminal defense attorney. Once all legalities are sorted, the criminal defense attorney can request a formal bail hearing to lower the requested amount.

Now that we’ve answered the immediate question, we’d like to get into additional details regarding bail in California. Read on to note information of importance for future reference.

Can bail be increased by a California judge?

The unfortunate answer to that question is yes, if the judge believes such an action is warranted. An example can include: If the defendant requests bail reduction while new evidence is brought to the judge, he or she may use that information to raise the bail depending on its severity. 

Can bail be reduced if the defendant agrees to specific conditions?

Typically, a reduction in bail only happens if a defendant hires an experienced criminal defense attorney. From there, specific bail conditions may be set in order for a reduction to take place. Examples may include the defendant surrendering their driver’s license or passport, restriction in travel, entering a treatment facility, and wearing a monitoring device or GPS tracking device. 

Is it easy to get an O.R.?

O.R., also known as “on their own recognizance,” is not easy to get. If the defendant has been arrested for a misdemeanor, an O.R. will likely be granted. If the defendant has been charged with a felony, the likelihood of an O.R. is slim to none. The criminal defense attorney is always offered the opportunity to ask the judge, but oftentimes the answer is no.

Will bail ever be denied?

Some criminal felonies are not allotted bail whatsoever. In fact, if the crime was serious or violent, the defendant may be held in jail until court proceedings and trial begin. Bail may also be denied if the defendant is thought to be a flight risk.

How can you pay bail?

Most jails in California operate the same way, meaning that the defendant can pay in cash, a bail bond, or a property bond to gain freedom from jail. That freedom is only warranted until trial begins, and depending on what the courts and judge deems true will depend on whether or not the accused will be termed guilty or innocent. 

Cash” is usually accepted in the form of a paper trail like a certified check or money order, but we suggest calling the jail directly to get the correct information. Bail bonds are done through a bail bond company, and once you pay their fee, they’ll take care of the defendant’s release. Property bonds may be different from county to county, so check in with local professionals like Rocket Bail Bonds

If you have any questions or concerns on bail in California, please reach out to one of our trusted team members today. Rocket Bail Bonds is always willing to assist any client to regain their immediate freedom. With us, you’ll get professional, informative, loyal, and dedicated service. Even our clients can vouch for the process; you’ll be in trusted hands the entire time. Visit our site today for more information, link here

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