The Process and Benefits of Using Bail Bond Services

April 26, 2024

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Consider using bail bond services if you don’t want your loved one to stay in jail while awaiting their hearing after an arrest. Below is an overview of the process and benefits that bail bond services grant you and your loved ones.

The Process

The bail bond process is simple once you understand what it entails. Here is an overview of the steps to follow.

Contact the Bond Company

The government does not allow bail agents to solicit business from incarcerated persons, their friends, or their acquaintances. You need to approach the bond company if you want them to facilitate a loved one’s release.

After you contact a bail bond company, they will request relevant details to start the process. For example, the company may require the:

  • Suspect’s name
  • Accusations or charges against the suspect
  • Jail name or location
  • Suspect’s booking number

Be prepared to provide this information and other relevant information you might need.

Complete the Paperwork

Next, you need to make everything official by completing the necessary paperwork. The requirements depend on the bail company. In many cases, you will pay the bail fee (usually a percentage of the bail amount) or provide collateral to secure the bail money. You will also sign a service agreement signifying your informed consent to the bail bond service.

Post Bail for Release

In the last step, the bail bond company will post bail at the jail holding your loved one. Posting bail is a relatively straightforward process, provided everything else goes smoothly. The jailer will then release your loved one pending their court appearance.

The Benefits

Using bail bond services has several benefits. Below are a few examples.

It Facilitates Peace of Mind

Incarceration has multiple complications and drawbacks, but few are as critical as freedom restriction. The inability to interact with friends and family or enjoy your favorite hobbies can be devastating. Using a bail bond service allows you to remain free while waiting for your day in court. The peace of mind this gives is worth the bail bond fee.

It Makes Bail Affordable

Many people cannot afford to pay the full bail amount after a loved one’s arrest. A bail bond service allows you to free your loved one at a fraction of the bail amount. The bail service levels the playing field—at least as far as bail is concerned—when it comes to release on bail.

It Protects Your Financial Liquidity

Even if you or your loved one can afford bail money, it might affect your financial liquidity and ability to manage other financial needs. For example, paying full bail money might deplete your rent, utility, or school funds. Using bail bond services frees up your cash for normal expenses.

It Helps You Preserve Valuable Assets

Some jurisdictions accept physical assets in exchange for a suspect’s release. For example, the court may accept a property title. Legal professionals call such assets property bonds.

Unfortunately, you risk losing your valuable property if you use it as a property bond and your loved one skips bail. Using bail bond services minimizes such risks.

It Frees Your Loved One Fast

As explained above, posting bail is relatively fast and straightforward. You can get your loved one out of jail within a few hours of their arrest if you meet the requirements. The fast process means your loved one doesn’t have to suffer for long.

It Allows You To Continue Working

Lastly, using bail bond services allows your loved one to continue working and earning money while waiting for their court date. The ability to work is crucial when your loved one needs money for bail, legal defense, and other expenses associated with their arrest.

Rocket Bail Bonds offers round-the-clock bail bond services. We understand the process can be intimidating and overwhelming, but you can rely on our professional services to free your loved one. Contact us now so your loved one doesn’t spend another minute longer than necessary in jail.

Call Today For A Free Consultation 1-866-691-2540

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